That whole headline is a misnomer, really. (Sorry.) This is clearly a blog post, not a portrait… and that’s only the beginning. 🤦
This entire piece will purposefully– and with obvious, exaggerated irony– tear its own title down piece by arbitrary, bloody piece. Doesn’t that sound like fun?!
I don’t care… let’s jump in.
There’s a reason for the sharpness you’re sensing right now. I’ll admit: there is a certain cynical, insecure side of me that wonders if I can be so bold… but then that billboard– FREELANCE WRITER FOR HIRE– alone means I can. Doesn’t it?
And I can. Of course I can!
I’m an exceptional writer, by most modern standards; and I’m Canadian, and not currently affiliated with any news or literary organizations. Furthermore, I have accepted (and would still gladly accept) payment for words written. So, by definition, is it not reasonable to assume that I am indeed a freelance writer for hire in Canada?
Yes. And no. It’s complicated.
Didn’t I say we’re jumping in. I did say that!
We’re jumping in now…

FREELANCE WRITER for Hire in Canada
I wear many different hats these days, for which my writing often plays a pivotal role. And I suppose you could say everything I do is freelance. My small brand development firm, Night Owl Media, for instance, does a lot of copy and content writing for clients. The website is being rebuilt as I write this, but you can get a taste on LinkedIn and Facebook.
And my passion project, Smart-Ass Tees, was created as a sort of silly storytelling platform– an outlet for my unkempt eccentricity. And I was a poet and creative writer first! Everything I write is rooted in the music and magic of words. I have two major creative footprints right now: here on my blog, of course, and on Medium.
And I’m hoping to start a small publishing press in the near future too, for my own writing and anything else I find that makes sense and scratches my sensibilities.
So yeah, homeys… writing is a BIG PART of what I do!
But “freelance writer”… I don’t know…
It just feels light, like it fails to paint the whole picture.
Freelance Writer FOR HIRE in Canada
Many hats, as I was saying… but David Potts is still only one third-person. 😛

I have a few projects on the go– an ongoing brand development contract with DWR Advisory Inc. and the website for Night Owl Media– but I am still always willing to have conversations and fit interesting projects in when I can. So maybe no… but an indefinite YES!
Now we see how this spool so easily unravels.
Freelance Writer for Hire IN CANADA
I know what you’re thinking: “Even that’s not right?! You have to be joking!”
I am in Canada– born and raised here, in fact.
So… yeah. Yes! BUT so much no.
And it’s not that the descriptor is inaccurate… it’s just incomplete, or unnecessary. I’d rather not say that I’m a “freelance writer for hire IN CANADA” because it sounds like my words are somehow inapplicable in other regions of the world– like my particular dialect of written English just does not compute in Great Britain or Australia, or India, or the United States.

See? Do you see?!
There you have it: controlled complete demolition of a perfectly good title. Stupid. (A stupid headline is one that fails to say anything accurate.)
But wasn’t it fun? And I managed to artfully transform this miserable failure into an informative reading experience (I did so). Having said all that, seemingly for the sole purpose of this expert narrative transition…
I am actually, like, you know…